Term Two - Week Seven

 Kia Ora Whanau.

Welcome to week 7 of our 10 week Term. Lovely to be welcoming Vanessa and Sue into our Nga Puna Whanau. Vanessa works Monday Tuesday, Sue works Thursday Friday and they alternate Wednesdays. Also a welcome to Waimairi for Zahara and Talia. It's lovely to have you with us.

Lot's of dates and events coming up 

Bookings are now open for reporting interviews for Year 2, 4 and 6 students only.***Please note that school is finishing at 2pm on Thursday 24 June and Monday 28 June. We will provide supervision for children who can't head home at this time. Please email your teacher if your child WILL BE STAYING AT SCHOOL on the 24th and 28th.

Mini Beasts Galore - Canterbury Museum

Next week Wednesday the 23rd of June we are heading to the Canterbury Museum to participate in the Mini Beasts Galore programme run by a Museum Educator. Children will be using their skills of observation to get up close to mini creatures and their features. We are so looking forward to this! We are leaving school at 10:30 am and will be back after 1:15. 

Hangi Help!

Kia ora whānau,
We are looking forward to our Matariki celebration and Hangi on Thursday 8 July.  However, we need some help!  We need to source some meat and vegetables for the hangi at a reasonable price.  We also need some help with preparing the food on Wednesday 7 July in the evening and Thursday 8 July putting the hangi down in the morning.  If you are able to help with sourcing kai, or kai preparation on Wednesday 7 July please contact Katie at katie.humphries@waimairi.school.nz or come and chat with me in Makomako.  If you are able to help with putting the hangi down, please chat to Mike or contact him at principal@waimairi.school.nz.  Ngā mihi nui whānau!

Community Breakfast

Kia ora whānau!
On Thursday 8 July we are having our Hangi and Matariki celebration.  After we put the Hangi down early in the morning, we are hoping to have a whole school community breakfast.  If you have any contacts for cereal, milk, or tinned fruit donations, please contact Katie at katie.humphries@waimairi.school.nz or pop in and see her in Makomako. 

Quiz Night

Friday the 2nd of July, 7pm in our school hall. $20 PP or buy a table for $110. See details in the school newsletter. This is a great way to meet new people and support our school fundraising ventures.

  • Tuesdays - Kapa Haka with Matua Steve
  • Wednesdays - Ez lunch orders - oder online by 9am for delivery on Wednesday http://www.ezlunch.co.nz/
  • Fridays- bike day - teachers supervise biking during learning choices
  • 23rd of June, Trip to the Canterbury Museum


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