Term 2- Week 8

Kia ora whānau,

Welcome to week 8 of our 10 week term!!

Here are some reminders and notices for the week.

  • Hangi Help - Looking for any help for our Matariki finale evening Thursday July 9th. Help with the hangi or any food to donate. Please email Katie at katie.lord-humphries@waimairi.school.nz. See email below from Katie as well:


It's been a while since we have done the Hangi and Matariki celebration so below is a timeline of details so you have an idea of what will happen.  In the past we have done rotations amongst our river groups learning about Matariki during the day.  Parents are invited in after breakfast to wander around and join in on the activities.  Please consider this when planning your day with your river.


Wednesday 7 July

Kai preparation in the hall 5.30pm onwards.  Whānau come down with their kitchen knives and chopping board and we set out tables and they chop veges and cut foil and we package up the hangi packs ready for the next morning.


Thursday 8 July

Early the morning, 5amish, Mike and his team start the hangi fire.  The school are welcomed in across the field (at around 7.30am) and then we have a simple breakfast together (weetbix, cornflakes, milk) at school (children bring their own bowl and spoon).


9amish Mike and the team put the hangi down.  Any interested classes can go and watch.


9am until 12pm - Matariki rotations - whānau welcomed to join in.


12pmish - the hangi is lifted and served on big tables on the court. Other international groups serve their food on the court too.  Whānau come and join us for lunch.


Children are welcome to go home after this.

Museum Trip this Wednesday-

A reminder that this Wednesday we are heading to the Museum to participate in the Mini Beasts Galore programme run by a Museum Educator. Children will be using their skills of observation to get up close to mini creatures and their features. We are leaving school at 10:30 and will be back after 1:15. We are having lunch outside the Museum at the Botanical Gardens. Children will need  A big lunch  A drink bottle  Waimairi School uniform  A Warm top Thank you to our parent helpers. We couldn’t do experiences like this without them!

Non Uniform Day

This Friday 25th June is a whole school non uniform day.

May be an image of one or more people and text that says '25th June NON UNIFORM DAY Bring a wrapped bottle donation Examples:wine, beer, sauces, salad dressings, toiletries etries etc Proceeds to assist fundraising efforts at the quiz night!'


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