Welcome to week 6

Kia ora Koutou,

Hope you all had a fabulous long weekend and managed to get some well deserved relaxation and family time in. We can't believe that we are beginning week 6 already!! The term is certainly racing along.

A big, warm Waimairi welcome to Sophie Lightbourne. Sophie comes from the College Of Education and is training to be a teacher, she is with us for the next few weeks and later in the year. 

We are so lucky to be able to welcome two fabulous and experienced teachers, Vanessa Reynolds and Sue Marshall to our expanding Ngā Puna whanau from next week. They will be popping in from time to time this week and joining us in week 7. They will be spending week 7 working alongside Tania and Tina and getting to know the children. 

The way we work in Ngā Puna is that we have our own 'Ora' (well being groups) that we start and finish the day with. The rest of the time the children will be participating and interacting with each other through learning choices while teachers are at the jellybean table doing small group lessons.

We are lucky to have Vanessa and Sue join us and we know that you will warmly welcome them to our team.

Junior Park Explorers Trip- Wednesday this week

We are looking forward to our trip to the Botanical gardens this Wednesday. Thanks again to all the parent helpers who have volunteered their time. The weather at this stage looks ok but please make sure your child wears a warm coat and gumboots might be a good idea as the grounds may still be wet. We will be returning to school for lunch so please make sure your child has a big morning tea as big trips result in big appetites.

Any cancellations will be communicated through the school app/twitter.

Mini Beasts Galore - Canterbury Museum

Wednesday the 23rd of June we are heading to the Canterbury Museum to participate in the Mini Beasts Galore programme run by a Museum Educator. Children will be using their skills of observation to get up close to mini creatures and their features. Save the date! We will asking for parent helpers to assist on our trip. If you are wanting to help we would love to have you! Please pop into the school office to get police vetted if you haven't done so already.  Sandra or Jackie will be able to help with this. Notes will be coming out this week for this.

If you have any boxes and bits and pieces from home that you want to get rid of we would love them for our construction table. Any donations are greatly appreciated.

What's on - upcoming dates and events

  • Tuesdays - Kapa Haka with Matua Steve
  • Wednesdays -  No Ez lunch orders today as we are on a class trip
  • Wednesday- Junior Park Explorers Trip today
  • Fridays- bike day - teachers supervise biking during learning choices
  • 9th of June, Trip to the Botanical Gardens
  • 23rd of June, Trip to the Canterbury Museum
 Dr Simon Pollard from the School of Sciences, University of Canterbury came to speak with our children. Simon is a spider biologist who has published books and worked as an advisor on a number of Attenborough documentaries. Here are some photos of his spiders! We so enjoyed hearing his stories.

A Cellar spider 

Our Junior children during Kapa Haka with Matua Steve.


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