Term 4- Week 2

Welcome to week 2. We hope you enjoyed the lovely sunny weather and family time over the long weekend.

Here are the notices for Week 2.

  • Welcome to Michell McMaster who starts school this week, we are so excited to have you join us here.
  • We have started a new mindfulness program throughout the school called Pause, Breathe, Smile and had our first lesson last week. Have a chat to your child about what mindfulness means to you. Our definition for them is "noticing what is happening now, with kindness and curiosity'
  • Term 4 is a HAT TERM so please make sure your kids have their hats at school so they can play outside in the sun :) 
  • Vaccination proof - please see all communications from Mike and read carefully about this. We value parent helpers and involvement hugely at Waimairi and don’t want to cut this off, we just need to go through the right channels in order to do so moving forward. Any questions, please contact Mike or the office and they will explain everything.  
  • Wednesday is Bey Blade day and this continues to be popular with some children. They are welcome to bring these along to school to play during learning choice times. We encourage the children to leave them inside at morning tea and lunchtime play.
  • Friday is bike day. Your child can bring his/her bike along to school and one of the teachers will supervise them outside during the day.
  • There are a lot of children bringing toys to school each day. Although we don't mind this we are unable to look after the toys or fix them if broken. We also are unable to spend our class time or lunchtimes looking for them. Please have a chat with your child to make sure that they understand that they are responsible for their toys, not the teachers. We suggest bringing just one 'thing' along or no toys at all. 
  • Class Photo order forms were sent home last week. Orders due Monday. 
  • "No School Uniform Day" on Friday. - Students from the school council are organising a Halloween themed non - uniform day this Friday. Children can dress up in costume, or wear their "normal"clothes if preferred. Gold coin donation.
Kapa Haka with Matua Steve 
Elliott, Mila, Sylvie and Frankie ordering numbers
Roger , Cole and Elliot, Kapa Haka
Claire and Mitchell at his last day of kindy
Happy birthday Mitchell

Bella at Kapa Haka

Kylie counting with husky
Fun with whanau at lunchtime
More Kapa Haka action shots

Benson showing persistence when working with blocks
Co-operative play with friends
Maddie and her chameleon
Oscar made a circle with sticks!

 Isla and Maddie at the play dough table
We made a circuit on Friday for our bikes. 
and our scooters
Arthur's awesome lego creation- it's a dragon!
Fun in the quiet kiwi room

Zack and Oscar's co-operative lego creation
Sam's super counting
Nico working on the engineering set


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