Week 2 - Term 2
Kia Ora families.
Welcome to week 2 of our 10 week Term. We had a lovely first week back connecting with our tamariki. The children were super settled. So nice to see new friendships forming as we welcome our new children into our Ngå Puna whanau.
Walk to St James Park - This Friday the 14th. As part of our science learning we will be going to St James Park for the afternoon. We will be looking closely at the changes we see in the environment around us as Autumn is here.
The children this term have been learning about consonants and vowels. They are learning what the difference is between them and how where they are placed in a word affects the sounds they make. Your children will have a few follow up activities throughout the week which will be popped into their k.I.T books. If you are finding they are too tired or not interested after school it is MORE Than O.K. to leave it. They have been working so hard all day :)
- Whanau Hui - You are warmly invited to our whanau Hui on Monday the 1oth of May (Tonight) 5:15 in Wai iti (the library). We will be discussing our up coming Matariki celebrations. All who are interested are welcome.
- Boxes - We would love to have any boxes or things for construction for our children to use during learning choice time
- Friday 21st of May - cut off date for ordering any lucky book club orders
- Library day - Mondays. Bring books back to issue more
- Friday - bike day - teachers supervise biking during learning choices
- Wednesday - Ez lunch orders - oder online by 9am for delivery on Wednesday http://www.ezlunch.co.nz/
- 3rd of June - parent information evening. Claire Knight from Learning Matters will be holding a parent information afternoon on structured literacy from 3:15 -4 :15. Hear about our professional development and what we are doing in class.
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