
Showing posts from December, 2021

Week 9, Term 4

 Hi everyone, This is the last week of term! Here are some important things to put on your calendars: Tuesday - Junior sport rotations 11.30-12.30 Wednesday - Meet 2022 classes Thursday - School closes at 12.30   Friday - No school. First day of the summer holidays. Please look in the schoolbags for an envelope containing class placement details for next year. All the children enjoyed their tennis lesson this morning. Aren't we lucky to have such amazing opportunities in our community! The focus was on ABC - air, bounce, catch. The children made ice creams and pancakes with balls, cones and rackets! Thank you for all your support and encouragement this term. We know it has been tricky in a lot of ways, but we are so proud of the way the children have developed incredible resilience and independence. Merry Christmas from the Nga Puna team.

Term 4 -Week 8

Term 4 Week 8 Check the school bags - class and individual photos sent home today All school library books will need to be back in by Friday 10th December. Please search the house and return everything that needs to come back to school. Please return all reading books too that are hiding under beds and around the house. We are having a tennis lesson on Friday morning this week. We are lucky that the Waimairi tennis club staff are coming to us and saving the young children a long walk.  Tennis rackets are provided but if the kids want to bring their own they are very welcome.  With two weeks to go, we are very excited about Christmas singing, reading Christmas stories, hearing about holidays, and also doing Christmas activities. All the best for the pre-Christmas rush and festivities!! Kids are welcomed to wear festive headware Please bring togs to school each day just in case we get a swimming slot. The weather doesn't look great for the beginning of the week.     ...