Term 3- Week 1
Welcome back to Term 3, week one. We hope you had a lovely break and managed to get some precious family time in. We are recharged and ready for a funfilled and busy term 3!!
- Welcome to Pete Fowler who joins us from Cobham intermediate whilst Mike is on sabbatical this term.
- Thanks to all of you who came to our Matariki celebration on the last Thursday of the term. It was a great way to bring the community together and share some kai. We also really enjoyed doing our Matariki activities in Ngā Puna.
- Welcome to our new 5-year-olds who are starting school with us this week. Some of them are new families to Waimairi and some have existing siblings here already, either way we know that you will welcome them with open arms. Welcome to Isabella, Isabelle, William, Oscar, Arthur and Roger, we are so pleased to have you here as part of our Ngā Puna whanau.
- Our school wide inquiry this term is visual arts. If you or any of your family/friends have a particular interest or skill that you would like to share/show with us we'd love to hear from you! We'd love to provide as many experiences as possible for our tamariki and we'd love your help.
- We're in need of more boxes for our make and create table.
Our first fundraising activity for Term 3 is the selling of Whittakers chocolate and at the beginning of week 2, Connect Waimairi will be distributing boxes to the eldest child in each family of chocolate to sell for Weeks 2 and 3.
At the end of last term we sent out to all families a quick form to fill in so they could indicate if they wanted to sell or donate money to the school instead and unfortunately we are yet to hear from most families.
If possible, can you please include the link below in any communications you have with your the families in your class in the new few days and ask anyone who has not filled this is yet to do so ASAP.
If we do not hear from a family, we will assume they are happy to participate in the selling of chocolate and a box will go home with the eldest child in each family at the beginning of Week 2.
We really appreciate your support with this.
Lisa & Kylie
Chocolate response form
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